The city district of Aranthas is a bustling hub of commerce, where merchants from all over the land come to buy and sell their wares. The district is divided into several areas, each with its unique character and charm.

The main thoroughfare is the Grand Bazaar, a wide boulevard lined with imposing banks, trading houses, and merchant emporiums. The bazaar is always bustling with activity, and the air is thick with the scent of exotic spices, perfumes, and fine wines.

To the east of the Grand Bazaar lies the textile district, where the finest linens, silks, and tapestries are woven and sold. The streets here are narrow and winding, lined with tall, elegant buildings that are home to countless weavers and tailors. The sound of looms can be heard from every corner, and the air is filled with the clatter of sewing machines and the hum of spinning wheels.

To the west of the Grand Bazaar lies the jewelry quarter, where the finest goldsmiths, gem-cutters, and jewelers in the land ply their trade. The streets here are lined with glittering shop windows, displaying the most exquisite rings, necklaces, and tiaras. The air is filled with the tinkling of bells, as wealthy patrons browse the many stalls and shops, admiring the glittering wares on display.

Further south lies the theater district, where the best actors, playwrights, and musicians in the land perform their works. The district is dominated by the grand Aranthaes Opera House, an imposing building with a vast, ornate facade. The streets here are wide and tree-lined, and many of the buildings are decorated with intricate carvings and murals. The sound of music can be heard from every corner, and the air is filled with the aroma of roasting meats and fine wines enjoyed by theater goers.

Finally, to the north of the Grand Bazaar lies the restaurant quarter, where the finest chefs in the land create masterful culinary delights. The streets here are lined with elegant eateries and cafes, each with its unique atmosphere and style. The air is filled with the aromas of sizzling meat, baking bread, and fragrant spices, and the sound of laughter and conversation spills out onto the streets.

These districts are all interconnected, and each one flows seamlessly into the next, creating a vibrant and bustling city center that is the envy of the land.

Noble: AC 14, HP 20, rapier (1d8), leather armor
Wealthy Merchant: AC 12, HP 25, short sword (1d6+1), leather armor
Merchant Guard: AC 16, HP 30, longsword (1d8+2), shield
Noble’s Entourage: AC 12, HP 15, short sword (1d6), leather armor
Wealthy Patron: AC 14, HP 20, mace (1d6+1), chainmail
Wealthy Merchant’s Assistant: AC 12, HP 15, short sword (1d6), leather armor
Private Security: AC 14, HP 25, scimitar (1d6+2), shortbow (1d6), leather armor
Wealthy Couple: AC 12, HP 15 (each), rapier (1d8), leather armor
Wealthy Businessman: AC 14, HP 20, longsword (1d8+1), shield, chainmail
Wealthy Heir: AC 12, HP 15, short sword (1d6), leather armor
Art Collector: AC 12, HP 15, dagger (1d4), leather armor
Wealthy Philanthropist: AC 12, HP 20, mace (1d6+1), leather armor
Private Investigator: AC 14, HP 25, rapier (1d8+2), shortbow (1d6), leather armor
Wealthy Socialite: AC 10, HP 10, unarmed (1d4-1)
Wealthy Patron’s Bodyguard: AC 16, HP 35, greatsword (2d6+2), plate armor
Private Investigator’s Assistant: AC 12, HP 15, short sword (1d6), leather armor
Wealthy Artisan: AC 12, HP 20, dagger (1d4), leather armor
Noble’s Retainer: AC 14, HP 20, longsword (1d8), shield, chainmail
Wealthy Merchant’s Apprentice: AC 10, HP 10, unarmed (1d4-1)
Private Security Captain: AC 16, HP 40, greatsword (2d6+2), plate armor