Wyshard Denbew

Wyshard Denbew

Wyshard Denbew is a young flamboyant merchant living in Aranthaes City. He is obsessed with his appearance and constantly brags about his wealth, despite being far from wealthy. He is often found in the city’s high-end establishments, trying to impress others with his expensive clothing and flashy jewelry. Wyshard grew up in a poor family in Aranthaes Wynds, but always dreamed of living a life of luxury and extravagance. He quickly realized that his looks and charisma could help him get what he wanted, and he began to steal and

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Alus Aerum

Alus Aerum

Alus has always been the dutiful daughter of Aurto Aerum, managing the family business with precision and ruthlessness. But behind her composed exterior lies a dark secret: Alus has made a pact with an otherworldly being, gaining magical powers in exchange for her soul. She uses her powers to manipulate those around her, always looking for ways to expand the family’s wealth and power. Growing up, Alus was always the responsible one in the Aerum household. While her younger sister Annis spent her days dreaming of adventure or visiting High

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Annis Aerum

Annis Aerum

Annis is the youngest daughter of Aurto Aerum, one of the most successful gold traders in Aranthaes. Despite being born into wealth and privilege, Annis is a devout cleric of Lady Bune’s Defenders of the Mother, and is determined to use her position as an apprentice gold merchant to help the church in any way she can. When she’s not working in her family’s gold business, she spends much of her time at the High Temple, studying and praying, and has developed a strong sense of duty and devotion to

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Aurto Aerum

Aurto Aerum

Aurto Aerum was born into a wealthy merchant family and has always had a talent for business. He started his career as a gold trader in his youth and quickly rose to prominence in the Aranthaes gold markets. His shrewd business sense and charm have earned him a great deal of wealth and influence in the city. Aurto is well-known for his extravagant taste, often dressing in fine silk clothing and carrying an ornate gold cane. He is father to two daughters, Annis and Alus, and their half-brother Azkir. Aurto’s

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Khalifeh Oudasi

Khalifeh Oudasi

Khalifeh was born into a life of luxury as the daughter of the legendary trader Khamsa Oudasi. She grew up surrounded by the finest things in life and was used to getting whatever she wanted. However, Khalifeh was never content with a life of ease and luxury and craved adventure and excitement, which led her to become deeply involved in her father’s business at a young age. Khalifeh quickly proved to be an adept thief, using her natural charm and quick reflexes to steal from her father’s competitors and acquire

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Orinna Lor

Orinna Lor

Orinna Lor is a highly respected member of the Aranthaen merchant community. Head of one of Aranthaes’ ‘true born‘ families, Orinna is known for her astute business sense and her shrewd investments, which have helped reinforce her family as one of the wealthiest in the city. Orinna is a brilliant wizard, and her magical abilities have helped her to gain an edge in the fiercely competitive world of banking and finance. She owns Lor Bank, one of the city’s 4 main banking houses. Orinna Lor Medium Humanoid (Tiefling, Wizard: Level

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Criella Morell

Criella Morell

Criella Morell was born into a wealthy family of tiefling merchants who made their fortune through shrewd business deals and investments. Criella has always had an affinity for magic, and her parents spared no expense in hiring the best tutors to help her develop her skills. However, Criella grew restless with her privileged life, and began using her magical abilities to manipulate people and situations for her own amusement. When she met Malemon Morell, a fellow tiefling with a similar thirst for power, they quickly became business partners and lovers.

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Malemon Morell

Malemon Morell

Malemon is the current head of the Morell family, wealthy ‘true born‘ tieflings who own several successful businesses in Aranthaes, including the exclusive Morell Vaults bank. Malemon was born into privilege and was always aware of his social status as a true born tiefling. He was raised in a lavish lifestyle, surrounded by luxury and opportunity. However, unlike many of his peers, Malemon had a burning desire to explore the arcane arts. He spent much of his early life studying magic, eager to master the powers that few others had

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Damakos Drak

Damakos Drak

Damakos Drak is one of the richest inhabitants of Aranthaes, both head of the Drak banking empire and the main landlord in the city, his powerful ‘true born‘ family owning all of Aranthaes Wynds. Born into the longest documented true born line in Aranthaes, Damakos’ family history is steeped in money and magic. As a child, he showed an early aptitude for the arcane arts and was sent to study under some of the most powerful warlocks in the land. Not satisfied with inherited family wealth, his thirst for knowledge

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Damaia Drak

Damaia Drak

Damaia is the eldest daughter of Damakos Drak, and a powerful sorceress in her own right. She inherited her family’s drive for success and has become a shrewd businesswoman, often taking charge of negotiations and dealings with clients. Heir to the Drak banking empire, and from the longest ‘true born‘ family line, Damaia is one of the city’s most courted beauties, something she enjoys but in which she takes little real interest. Despite her sharp business acumen, she is reserved and often aloof, keeping her emotions in check. Her true

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Devtaria Drak

Devtaria Drak

Devtaria was born into the immensely wealthy Drak family and has always been raised with a sense of responsibility to uphold their name and legacy. From a young age, she showed an aptitude for magic and was sent to study at the finest magical academy in the region. She excelled in her studies, quickly rising to the top of her class and mastering complex spells and magical theories. After completing her studies, Devtaria returned to Aranthaes to join her family’s business, applying her magical knowledge to help manage the bank’s

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Khamsa Oudasi

Khamsa Oudasi

Khamsa Oudasi was born into a family of nomadic traders in a distant desert land. From a young age, he showed a keen interest in the art of bartering and haggling, and quickly became his family’s most valuable asset in their travels. The Oudasis traveled to Aranthas, drawn to the city’s bustling markets and wealthy clientele. They quickly realized that in order to succeed, they needed to be more than just skilled merchants – and the young Khamsa needed to be cunning, quick-witted, and able to get his hands dirty

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Saul de Vries

Saul de Vries

The de Vries family has a long history of banking and finance, and Saul is no exception. He inherited the family business from his father and has expanded it greatly under his leadership. He is known for his shrewd business sense and his ability to make tough decisions quickly. He is also a master negotiator and is known for getting the best deals for his banking clients. Despite his success in business, Saul is bitter about losing out to Orilia Thorne in the bid to manage Aranthaes Mint. He sees

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Fitzgerald Morley

Fitzgerald Morley

Fitzgerald Morley is one of the wealthiest and most powerful merchants in Aranthaes. Overly proud of his true born family status, Fitzgerald is a pompous and highly opinionated man. He may be a deeply flawed character but without question, he has the sharpest business acumen in the city. He is a master of manipulation and has a network of spies that keep him informed of the goings-on in the city. He is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his business interests, including making deals with the criminal underworld.

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Orilia Thorne

Orilia Thorne

Orilia was born into a wealthy family of tiefling merchants, the Thornes, one of the few ‘true-born‘ Aranthean lineages. She learned the art of trade from a young age and quickly proved herself to be a skilled negotiator. As she grew older, Orilia began to develop a taste for risk and intrigue, rapidly growing her business by any means necessary. Orilia’s business is now one of the largest and most successful in the city. She owns a network of textile mills, which produce high-quality fabrics that are sold throughout the

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