Khamsa Oudasi

Khamsa Oudasi

Khamsa Oudasi was born into a family of nomadic traders in a distant desert land. From a young age, he showed a keen interest in the art of bartering and haggling, and quickly became his family’s most valuable asset in their travels. The Oudasis traveled to Aranthas, drawn to the city’s bustling markets and wealthy clientele. They quickly realized that in order to succeed, they needed to be more than just skilled merchants – and the young Khamsa needed to be cunning, quick-witted, and able to get his hands dirty

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Saul de Vries

Saul de Vries

The de Vries family has a long history of banking and finance, and Saul is no exception. He inherited the family business from his father and has expanded it greatly under his leadership. He is known for his shrewd business sense and his ability to make tough decisions quickly. He is also a master negotiator and is known for getting the best deals for his banking clients. Despite his success in business, Saul is bitter about losing out to Orilia Thorne in the bid to manage Aranthaes Mint. He sees

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Fitzgerald Morley

Fitzgerald Morley

Fitzgerald Morley is one of the wealthiest and most powerful merchants in Aranthaes. Overly proud of his true born family status, Fitzgerald is a pompous and highly opinionated man. He may be a deeply flawed character but without question, he has the sharpest business acumen in the city. He is a master of manipulation and has a network of spies that keep him informed of the goings-on in the city. He is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his business interests, including making deals with the criminal underworld.

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Orilia Thorne’s bodyguard “Darkness” is a formidable half-orc, feared by those who cross his path. He stands at 6’5″ and has a muscular build. His skin is a deep olive green, and his eyes are a piercing yellow. His hair is raven black, and he has several scars crisscrossing his face, giving him a menacing appearance. Born in a tribe of half-orc mercenaries in the mountains, Darkness learned to fight at a young age. He became his clan’s leader, thanks to his impressive strength and fighting skills. He left his

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Harra Bombeck

Harra Bombeck

Harra is one of Aranthaes’ greatest living bards. Despite being from a family of bards, and a long line of bards he always felt like he didn’t quite fit in. His parents were always singing about love and joy, but Harra was drawn to darker melodies and themes. He found himself writing songs about pain, loss, and the mysteries of the universe. Harra’s parents didn’t approve of his interests and tried to discourage him, but Harra couldn’t help but be drawn to the dark and mysterious. He eventually left home

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Ghorza Hesh

Ghorza Hesh

Ghorza Hesh is fiercely loyal to the city and the Aranthaes Merchant Police battalion she leads. She takes her job as commander of the The Ironhearts very seriously and has a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to dealing with criminals. Despite her tough exterior, she has a particularly soft spot for children and will go out of her way to protect them, wrecking havoc on anybody causing harm to the city’s younger citizens. Ghorza stands at an imposing 6’5″ with broad shoulders and bulging muscles. Her skin is a deep

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Urzul Hesh

Urzul Hesh

Urzul is Second-in-Command of the Aranthaes Merchant Police Ironheart Battalion and younger sister of Ghorza. Appearance: Urzul is a fierce half-orc fighter with mid-length black hair and iridescent red eyes. She stands at 6’2″ and has a muscular build. She wears studded leather armor with a green sash tied around her waist. She wields a large greatsword and carries a shortbow on her back. Her face bears several scars from past battles, and she always looks ready for a fight. Personality: Urzul is fiercely loyal to her older sister Ghorza

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Qhamille was born with snow-white hair and piercing blue eyes, which as a young adult, give her a striking look. As a young elf, she showed a natural aptitude for magic and was taken under the wing of a powerful wizard who taught her the ways of the arcane. Qhamille was a diligent student and quickly advanced her knowledge of magic. She left her mentor to travel the world, seeking knowledge and new spells to add to her spellbook. In Aranthaes, she found herself drawn to the city’s magical secrets

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Morobne is a solitary elf who spends most of their time studying arcane texts and perfecting their magical abilities. They are a master of evocation spells, specializing in dealing damage to their enemies with spells like Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Burning Hands. Morobne is not interested in politics or social engagements, preferring to keep mostly to themselves and avoid unnecessary interaction. They are often seen traveling alone, studying ancient ruins and delving into forgotten tombs in search of arcane knowledge and powerful artifacts. Despite their reclusive nature, Morobne is respected

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Emlyn de Vries

Emlyn de Vries

Emlyn grew up in a life of luxury as the daughter of one of the city’s wealthiest merchants. However, she grew tired of the expectations and restrictions placed on her by her family and decided to strike out on her own as an adventurer. She now uses her combat skills to fight for justice and freedom. Emlyn is headstrong and rebellious, often clashing with her father’s expectations and traditions. She is fiercely independent and values her freedom above all else. She has a soft spot for the underdogs and is

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Vedira Arajeon

Vedira Arajeon

Vedira was born to a elven father and a teifling mother, both of whom were members of the Aranthaes thieves’ guild. From an early age, she learned the ways of the underworld and quickly showed a natural talent for thievery and deception. As she grew older, she became known for her ability to get in and out of even the most heavily guarded locations without detection, earning her a reputation as one of the best rogues in the city. However, she has also gained a reputation as a bit of

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Ehaba, Lord of the Crows

Ehaba, Lord of the Crows

Ehaba is a dark elf warlock who made a pact with The Great Old One, an otherworldly being of immense power. His abilities are focused on manipulating the minds of his enemies and manipulating the battlefield to his advantage. Known as Lord of the Crows, Ehaba has a red-eyed crow familiar and is usually followed by crows wherever he goes. Once a day Ehaba can summon and control up to 40 (4d10) crows, who will attack his enemies on command. Name: Ehaba Race: Dark elf Gender: Male Class: Warlock Level:

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Casrius grew up in the slums of Aranthas Wynds. His parents died when he was young, leaving him to fend for himself on the streets. Casrius learned how to pick pockets and steal to survive, and eventually joined a gang of thieves in the city. He quickly rose through the ranks and became one of the gang’s most skilled members. However, he grew tired of the constant danger and lack of respect he received from his fellow thieves. Casrius decided to strike out on his own and use his skills

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Rilith Jol’gonas

Rilith Jol'gonas

Rilith Jol’gonas was born to a tiefling mother and human father in the slums of Aranthaws Wynds. Despite the challenges of her upbringing, Rilith showed an early aptitude for the divine, and her raw talent was quickly recognized by the Church of the Mother. She was taken in as a novice and began her training as a cleric with the Mother’s Children. Over the years, Rilith rose through the ranks of the church and became a powerful force for good in the city. She is known for her compassion and

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Orilia Thorne

Orilia Thorne

Orilia was born into a wealthy family of tiefling merchants, the Thornes, one of the few ‘true-born‘ Aranthean lineages. She learned the art of trade from a young age and quickly proved herself to be a skilled negotiator. As she grew older, Orilia began to develop a taste for risk and intrigue, rapidly growing her business by any means necessary. Orilia’s business is now one of the largest and most successful in the city. She owns a network of textile mills, which produce high-quality fabrics that are sold throughout the

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Lady Bune / Mother Dragon

Lady Bune / Mother Dragon

Lady Bune is an ancient, powerful and benevolent deity who bestows her wealth and knowledge upon those who seek her aid. A draconic demon, she chose to leave the infernal realm and has since taken a millennia-long journey of transformation to become the beloved goddess she is now. Lady Bune is at the heart of Aranthaen religion, which plays a pivotal role in every aspect of society in the city she is said to have formed thousands of years ago. Although demonic/draconic by nature, her ability to shape-shift means she

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Morgath – Tiefling Warlock: Morgath is a tiefling warlock who has made a pact with Lady Bune. Although she is not as powerful as Lady Bune herself, her magical abilities are still formidable, and she serves as a valuable ally and advisor to the party.

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Grim – Half-Orc Assassin: Grim is a ruthless half-orc assassin who serves as Orilia Thorne’s enforcer. His deadly skills make him an expert at taking out targets with quiet efficiency, and his fierce loyalty to Orilia ensures that he will stop at nothing to protect her and further her goals.

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Valtor – Dragonborn Sorcerer: Valtor is a dragonborn sorcerer who specializes in elemental magic. His powers allow him to manipulate the elements themselves, conjuring powerful storms, controlling the winds, and summoning raging infernos. Race: Dragonborn Class: Sorcerer (Level 10) Ability Scores: Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 20 (+5) Hit Points: 75 Armor Class: 14 Proficiencies: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Persuasion Features: Spellcasting (Sorcerer) Font of Magic Metamagic (Quickened Spell, Twinned Spell) Sorcerous Origin (Draconic Bloodline) Elemental Affinity (Fire) Spells Known:

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Sariel’s life began in tragedy, being born to a human mother and demon father, her new life being the aftermath of a murderous attack on her mother’s village in which the demon wiped out over half of the village’s population. As a result of her mixed heritage, and because she was a constant physical reminder of that day of carnage, she was treated as an outcast by many in her community. Her mother was ostracized and eventually driven to suicide, leaving Sariel alone and struggling to survive. Determined to make

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