Criella Morell

Criella Morell

Criella Morell was born into a wealthy family of tiefling merchants who made their fortune through shrewd business deals and investments. Criella has always had an affinity for magic, and her parents spared no expense in hiring the best tutors to help her develop her skills. However, Criella grew restless with her privileged life, and began using her magical abilities to manipulate people and situations for her own amusement. When she met Malemon Morell, a fellow tiefling with a similar thirst for power, they quickly became business partners and lovers.

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Malemon Morell

Malemon Morell

Malemon is the current head of the Morell family, wealthy ‘true born‘ tieflings who own several successful businesses in Aranthaes, including the exclusive Morell Vaults bank. Malemon was born into privilege and was always aware of his social status as a true born tiefling. He was raised in a lavish lifestyle, surrounded by luxury and opportunity. However, unlike many of his peers, Malemon had a burning desire to explore the arcane arts. He spent much of his early life studying magic, eager to master the powers that few others had

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Damakos Drak

Damakos Drak

Damakos Drak is one of the richest inhabitants of Aranthaes, both head of the Drak banking empire and the main landlord in the city, his powerful ‘true born‘ family owning all of Aranthaes Wynds. Born into the longest documented true born line in Aranthaes, Damakos’ family history is steeped in money and magic. As a child, he showed an early aptitude for the arcane arts and was sent to study under some of the most powerful warlocks in the land. Not satisfied with inherited family wealth, his thirst for knowledge

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Damaia Drak

Damaia Drak

Damaia is the eldest daughter of Damakos Drak, and a powerful sorceress in her own right. She inherited her family’s drive for success and has become a shrewd businesswoman, often taking charge of negotiations and dealings with clients. Heir to the Drak banking empire, and from the longest ‘true born‘ family line, Damaia is one of the city’s most courted beauties, something she enjoys but in which she takes little real interest. Despite her sharp business acumen, she is reserved and often aloof, keeping her emotions in check. Her true

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Devtaria Drak

Devtaria Drak

Devtaria was born into the immensely wealthy Drak family and has always been raised with a sense of responsibility to uphold their name and legacy. From a young age, she showed an aptitude for magic and was sent to study at the finest magical academy in the region. She excelled in her studies, quickly rising to the top of her class and mastering complex spells and magical theories. After completing her studies, Devtaria returned to Aranthaes to join her family’s business, applying her magical knowledge to help manage the bank’s

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Gaera the Erinyes is a fierce warrior, but also possesses cunning intellect and persuasive abilities. Her true neutral alignment belies a strong sense of loyalty to Lady Bune, her patron and queen. She has vast pale green wings, flowing black hair and a piercing gaze. Wearing gold and emerald plate mail whilst wielding a flaming sword and enchanted shield adorned with Lady Bune’s sigil she is truly a force to be reckoned with. Gaera is one of Holy Mother‘s 3 Erinyes bodyguards, charged with protecting the figurehead of the Aranthaen

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With shimmering white and blue wings and a cool, detached demeanor, Tisi the Erinyes is the strategist in Lady Bune‘s protective detail. She carries a crossbow and bolts imbued with Lady Bune’s immense magic, and is able to cast powerful spells. Tisi is unflappable in battle, and always keeps a clear head. She is fiercely loyal to Lady Bune and will stop at nothing in her various roles connected to the Church of the Mother. Tisi is one of Holy Mother‘s 3 Erinyes bodyguards, charged with protecting the figurehead of

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Alekto the Erinyes is the most imposing of Aranthaes’ three demonic protectors, with vast black and crimson wings, glowing red eyes and a towering stature. She carries a large mace that crackles with infernal energy, and her armor is adorned with spikes and chains. Alekto is a fierce combatant and is not afraid to use brute force to achieve her goals. Despite her fearsome appearance and abilities, Alekto has become almost kind and loving in nature and could be on the cusp of another alignment change, following in the footsteps

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Holy Mother

Holy Mother

Holy Mother is the elected figurehead of the Aranthaes church. Her role is that of a deity proxy, effectively the mortal embodiment of Lady Bune, in all aspects of the church’s day to day work. Holy Mother sits in all governmental sessions, a bridge between church and state and is key in signing all new laws. She is treated by all Aranthaens as if she were Lady Bune herself, with the utmost in reverence and respect. When Holy Mother speaks it is accepted as being the literal voice of Lady

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Eve Corbeck

Eve Corbeck

Eve Corbeck grew up in a small village on the outskirts of a vast forest. Her parents were both skilled woodsmen, and they taught Eve everything they knew about tracking and survival in the wilderness. As she grew older, Eve began to spend more and more time exploring the forest on her own, honing her skills and testing her limits. One day, while out on a hunt, Eve stumbled across a group of bandits who had set up camp in a clearing. She watched from a distance as they laughed

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Nolourra Coaljaw

Nolourra Coaljaw

Nolourra Coaljaw was born into a proud clan of dwarves that were renowned for their skill in mining and metalworking. She was raised to be a miner and was trained in the art of blacksmithing from a young age. However, Nolourra never felt satisfied with a life spent entirely underground, and yearned for adventure and excitement beyond the confines of her clan’s tunnels. One day, Nolourra received a visit from a wandering dwarven warrior who regaled her with tales of battles fought in distant lands. The tales lit a fire

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Ginerva is a young woman with vibrant red hair, freckles across her nose and cheeks, and deep gray eyes. She is lean and athletic, with a muscular build from years of outdoor training. She wears leather armor under a heavy cloak and carries a bow and a quiver of arrows on her back. She is fiercely independent and loves the thrill of adventure. She has a love for animals and a deep respect for nature. Despite her tough exterior, she has a compassionate heart and will go out of her

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Khamsa Oudasi

Khamsa Oudasi

Khamsa Oudasi was born into a family of nomadic traders in a distant desert land. From a young age, he showed a keen interest in the art of bartering and haggling, and quickly became his family’s most valuable asset in their travels. The Oudasis traveled to Aranthas, drawn to the city’s bustling markets and wealthy clientele. They quickly realized that in order to succeed, they needed to be more than just skilled merchants – and the young Khamsa needed to be cunning, quick-witted, and able to get his hands dirty

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Saul de Vries

Saul de Vries

The de Vries family has a long history of banking and finance, and Saul is no exception. He inherited the family business from his father and has expanded it greatly under his leadership. He is known for his shrewd business sense and his ability to make tough decisions quickly. He is also a master negotiator and is known for getting the best deals for his banking clients. Despite his success in business, Saul is bitter about losing out to Orilia Thorne in the bid to manage Aranthaes Mint. He sees

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Fitzgerald Morley

Fitzgerald Morley

Fitzgerald Morley is one of the wealthiest and most powerful merchants in Aranthaes. Overly proud of his true born family status, Fitzgerald is a pompous and highly opinionated man. He may be a deeply flawed character but without question, he has the sharpest business acumen in the city. He is a master of manipulation and has a network of spies that keep him informed of the goings-on in the city. He is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his business interests, including making deals with the criminal underworld.

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Orilia Thorne’s bodyguard “Darkness” is a formidable half-orc, feared by those who cross his path. He stands at 6’5″ and has a muscular build. His skin is a deep olive green, and his eyes are a piercing yellow. His hair is raven black, and he has several scars crisscrossing his face, giving him a menacing appearance. Born in a tribe of half-orc mercenaries in the mountains, Darkness learned to fight at a young age. He became his clan’s leader, thanks to his impressive strength and fighting skills. He left his

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Harra Bombeck

Harra Bombeck

Harra is one of Aranthaes’ greatest living bards. Despite being from a family of bards, and a long line of bards he always felt like he didn’t quite fit in. His parents were always singing about love and joy, but Harra was drawn to darker melodies and themes. He found himself writing songs about pain, loss, and the mysteries of the universe. Harra’s parents didn’t approve of his interests and tried to discourage him, but Harra couldn’t help but be drawn to the dark and mysterious. He eventually left home

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Ghorza Hesh

Ghorza Hesh

Ghorza Hesh is fiercely loyal to the city and the Aranthaes Merchant Police battalion she leads. She takes her job as commander of the The Ironhearts very seriously and has a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to dealing with criminals. Despite her tough exterior, she has a particularly soft spot for children and will go out of her way to protect them, wrecking havoc on anybody causing harm to the city’s younger citizens. Ghorza stands at an imposing 6’5″ with broad shoulders and bulging muscles. Her skin is a deep

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Urzul Hesh

Urzul Hesh

Urzul is Second-in-Command of the Aranthaes Merchant Police Ironheart Battalion and younger sister of Ghorza. Appearance: Urzul is a fierce half-orc fighter with mid-length black hair and iridescent red eyes. She stands at 6’2″ and has a muscular build. She wears studded leather armor with a green sash tied around her waist. She wields a large greatsword and carries a shortbow on her back. Her face bears several scars from past battles, and she always looks ready for a fight. Personality: Urzul is fiercely loyal to her older sister Ghorza

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Qhamille was born with snow-white hair and piercing blue eyes, which as a young adult, give her a striking look. As a young elf, she showed a natural aptitude for magic and was taken under the wing of a powerful wizard who taught her the ways of the arcane. Qhamille was a diligent student and quickly advanced her knowledge of magic. She left her mentor to travel the world, seeking knowledge and new spells to add to her spellbook. In Aranthaes, she found herself drawn to the city’s magical secrets

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