Holy Mother

Holy Mother

Holy Mother is the elected figurehead of the Aranthaes church. Her role is that of a deity proxy, effectively the mortal embodiment of Lady Bune, in all aspects of the church’s day to day work. Holy Mother sits in all governmental sessions, a bridge between church and state and is key in signing all new laws. She is treated by all Aranthaens as if she were Lady Bune herself, with the utmost in reverence and respect. When Holy Mother speaks it is accepted as being the literal voice of Lady

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High Aranthaes Overview

High Aranthaes Overview

High Aranthaes, the top tier terrace of the city, is a true masterpiece of beauty and elegance. The marble homes of the city’s elite sit majestically atop the mountain, with tended gardens filled with exotic flowers and glistening fountains. The air is filled with the sweet aroma of blooming flowers, and the sound of soft, soothing music drifts gently through the streets. The centerpiece of High Aranthaes is the grand staircase that runs all the way up the mountain to the High Temple of Lady Bune. This magnificent structure is

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Aranthaes Wynds Overview

Aranthaes Wynds Overview

Aranthaes Wynds is a bustling and densely populated area, with narrow and winding streets that make it easy to get lost. The buildings here are high and narrow, built of old, dark wood that creaks and groans in the wind. The sounds of the city are everywhere, from the clanging of metalworkers to the raucous laughter of tavern patrons. The residents of ‘The Wynds’ are a diverse lot, made up of newcomers to the city and some of Aranthaes’ poorest inhabitants. The streets are lined with vendors hawking their wares,

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Aranthaes City Guard

Aranthaes City Guard

The Aranthaes City Guard is a formidable force that serves as the city council’s military and is responsible for protecting the city from both external threats and internal crimes. Unlike the private merchant police or religious police forces with their specific fields of operation, the City Guard is dedicated to the defense of all Aranthaens. The City Guard is well-funded and well-equipped, with access to the best weapons and armor available in the city. They are known for their strict adherence to the law and their intolerance for corruption within

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The Defenders of the Mother

The Defenders of the Mother

The Defenders of the Mother are a non-miltary offshoot of the City Guard, a faith-based police formed to ensure that the generosity enshrined in Lady Bune’s teachings translates into charitable works to help the neediest in the city, and that support for the faith continues to flourish. Comprised primarily of devout citizens, members of the clergy, clerics and military veterans, The Defenders of the Mother perform a wide range of duties, in service to Lady Bune – under the overall command of cleric Rilith Jol’gonas. From providing charity for the

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Aranthaes’ Merchant Police

Aranthaes' Merchant Police

As a wealthy merchant city, Aranthaen businesses are keen to protect their stock and trade with more favor than that provided by the City Guard. Over the space of several years they have built up a significant private police force – not so much focused on the rule of law, but rather a keen dedication to looking after their paymaster’s interests. The Merchant Police are divided into four main battalions, each sponsored by a wealthy merchant family or business cooperative, and with a key exception of The Merchant Volunteers each

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The Great Banks of Aranthaes

The Great Banks of Aranthaes

The great banks of Aranthaes are some of the most impressive and imposing buildings in the city, symbolizing the immense wealth and power of its merchant class. There are four great banks in the city, one in each of Aranthaes City’s commercial quarters, each managed by the most experienced and trustworthy financiers. Aranthaes Bank, based in the Jewellery Quarter is the largest and most valuable of all of Aranthaes’ banks. It is a massive stone structure with an impressive marble façade that stretches for several blocks. Part of the Aranthaes

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The ‘True Born’ of Aranthaes

The 'True Born' of Aranthaes

In Aranthaes, the concept of being “true born” is deeply ingrained in the culture and society of the city. It refers to the idea that certain families have an ancient and illustrious lineage, dating back to the earliest days of the city’s founding. These families are believed to have played a key role in the city’s development and history, and are thus considered to be of superior stock. This belief is based on the idea that the first settlers of Aranthaes were a select group of individuals who possessed exceptional

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The Walls of Aranthaes

The Walls of Aranthaes

The terraced city of Aranthaes is heavily fortified by three walls, each wall separating and elevating the three main tiers of the city, Aranthaes Wynds, Aranthaes City and High Aranthaes. City Wall The outermost wall surrounding the whole fortified city is a sight to behold. It’s a towering structure of grey stone, standing at least twenty feet tall and reinforced with sturdy buttresses at regular intervals. The wall is thick enough to withstand a battering ram or a siege engine, and its imposing presence is enough to deter most would-be

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The Mother Will Provide

The Mother Will Provide

‘The Mother Will Provide’ is the most common phrase in Aranthaes, used as a greeting and farewell, and a phrase of hope, friendship and support. Like most elements of life in Aranthaes, the phrase is associated with the Aranthaen religion and devotion to Lady Bune, ‘The Mother Dragon’ – and is based on the belief that the deity Lady Bune will provide wealth and success to any true believer. This is nowhere more a hope made real, than in Aranthaes’ unique and generous system of support, one that is the

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Aranthaes and Tax

Aranthaes and Tax

Aranthaes’ unique economic system is one of the reasons it is so prosperous. The city is completely free of taxes, meaning that merchants and adventurers alike can keep all of their wealth without having to worry about giving a portion to the government. This has led to an influx of wealthy merchants and adventurers who see Aranthaes as a land of opportunity. The city’s vast stores of gold built up over millennia, have allowed Aranthaes to create its own currency. There are widely circulated rumors of rich veins of pure

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The Blood Moon Tribe

The Blood Moon Tribe

The Blood Moon Tribe is a ferocious horde of orcs that terrorizes the trade routes around Aranthaes. They are infamous for their brutality and willingness to use extreme methods to intimidate and kill their enemies. They are led by an orc warlord named Gromm, who is known for his tactical prowess and his merciless treatment of prisoners. The tribe is comprised of a mix of powerful warriors, skilled archers, and fearsome spellcasters. They often employ shamans and witches who use their dark magic to cast powerful spells that can cripple

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The Iron Fist Clan

The Iron Fist Clan

The Iron Fist Clan is a well-organized orc horde that has terrorized the surrounding lands for years. They are known for their brutal tactics and skilled warriors, and have built up a fearsome reputation among travelers and merchants alike. Led by the fearsome chieftain Gorgoth Ironfist, the clan is made up of several tribes that have banded together for strength in numbers. Gorgoth is a towering figure, even among his own kind, and wields a massive battle axe that has claimed the lives of many of his enemies. The Iron

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The Red Cloaks

The Red Cloaks

The Red Cloaks are a highly organized and ruthless band of bandits who have been terrorizing the trade routes leading to Aranthaes for several years. They are known for their distinctive red cloaks and their willingness to use violence to achieve their goals. The group is led by Robynne, a half-elf crime-lord. She rules her band with an iron fist and is not afraid to make an example out of anyone who crosses her. Under her leadership, the Red Cloaks have become one of the most feared criminal organizations in

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The Black Blades

The Black Blades

The Black Blades are a group of highly skilled swordsmen who terrorize trade routes to and from Aranthaes. They are known for their swift and deadly attacks, leaving no survivors behind. Their tactics are precise and calculated, and they use their speed and agility to outmaneuver their victims. They are also very secretive and efficient, rarely leaving behind any clues or witnesses. The Black Blades are said to be led by a charismatic and ruthless leader known only as “the Blade.” Little is known about this enigmatic figure, other than

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Bandits on the Highways

Bandits on the Highways

Drawn to the vast wealth carried on highways to and from Aranthaes, it’s unsurprising that merchant caravans will see attacks from gangs of bandits and thieves. One of the most notorious bandit gangs is the Black Blades, a group of skilled swordsmen who operate on the main trade routes leading to neighboring cities. They are known for their swift and deadly attacks, often leaving no survivors. They are said to be led by a charismatic and ruthless leader known only as “the Blade.” Another group of bandits, The Red Cloaks,

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Aranthaes’ Busy Highways

Aranthaes' Busy Highways

The highways of Aranthaes are a symbol of the city’s wealth and power, attracting merchants, adventurers, and travelers from far and wide. The highways that radiate from Aranthaes are always a bustling hub of activity. They connect the city to other major trading centers and cities, creating a network of commerce that spans across the continent. The roads themselves are wide and well-paved, allowing for smooth passage for both travelers on foot and carts drawn by horses or oxen. Along the roads, there are inns, taverns, and rest stops for

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Aranthaen Gold Caravans

Aranthaen Gold Caravans

The heavy wagons and armed caravans of Aranthaen gold are a common sight on the trade routes leading out of the city. Each wagon is made of thick, sturdy wood and is drawn by a team of powerful horses. The wagon is heavily guarded by armed guards, some of whom ride on horseback alongside the wagon, while others ride on top of the wagon itself. These armed guards are highly trained and skilled in both combat and diplomacy, able to negotiate with local authorities and fend off any would-be bandits

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Aranthaes City District – Overview

Aranthaes City District - Overview

The city district of Aranthas is a bustling hub of commerce, where merchants from all over the land come to buy and sell their wares. The district is divided into several areas, each with its unique character and charm. The main thoroughfare is the Grand Bazaar, a wide boulevard lined with imposing banks, trading houses, and merchant emporiums. The bazaar is always bustling with activity, and the air is thick with the scent of exotic spices, perfumes, and fine wines. To the east of the Grand Bazaar lies the textile

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Aranthaes Merchant Families

Aranthaes Merchant Families

Aranthaes is home to thousands of thriving businesses but there are 7 families who hold as much wealth and power as all the rest of the merchants combined. In a city with no formal royal family, the wealthy merchants of Aranthaes are more than happy to take the place of kings and queens – the total of their wealth and power greater than that of many kingdoms. The 7 families run much of the city, from it’s banks to the city council, the private merchant police watching over their business

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